Sunday 28 June 2015

The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman - Denis Thériault

I'm going to really struggle to portray the beauty of this book, the many layers of storyline, the amount of times it surprised me, what it taught me and how it left me. But. I will try.

Firstly, I think this book is seriously mis-named. Unless you look at the very first layer of storyline. If you read it and focus only on the superficial, then yes, this is a story about a lonely postman, job done.

But this is not about a lonely postman. It is about yearning for life. It is about obsession. It is about betrayal. It's about learning. It is about the better you and the better me. It is about love. It's about connecting with someone on the deepest level, to where circumstances happen that could only occur because it was pre-destined. Meant-to-be. Fate.

It is about inevitability.

I'm not a big poetry fan, (although everyone should know E.E. Cummings' poem 'I carry your heart with me'), so at times I struggled a bit with the Japanese poetry. If you struggle with poetry, persevere. This is a book not to give up on. It has a purpose, trust the author he's a true storyteller.

The most beautiful part of the book is in the reader learning about and falling into the world of an 'enso'. And I can't explain this without ruining the book for you.

I'm torn with actually reviewing this book and telling the story, which will then rob you of the experience of the surprises and could never do the book the justice it deserves. Or just saying READ THIS BOOK. It is only 100 pages. I don't know how he fitted it all in. 

I'm going to do something in between. I'm going to just shower you with words that the book made me feel, think, learn, in the hope that I convey a scent of the book without exposing it's secrets.

Curious. Intimate. Stalker. Friendship. Trust. Passion. Immersed. Jealousy. Betrayal. Secrets. Uncomfortable. Raunchy. Tender. Oblivious. Intrigued. Poetic. 

Enough already. Just read it! Ok?

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